Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 109 - Christina Raced a Kenyan

October 28, 2012 (Sam)

      Actually, it was more like 5,100 Kenyans. Alright, so maybe they weren’t all Kenyans, but that’s how many people assembled at the starting line for the 21K (half marathon) that Christina ran in on Sunday. For some reason, she thought it would be a good idea to run her first half marathon in Nairobi, which not only sits at about 5,500 feet above sea level, but is located in the country of, um, Kenya. That’s right, Kenya, home to something like 104 records in running events around the world. My wife is pretty tough.

Over 5,100 runner warming up for the 13.1 mile race in downtown Nairobi 

Thousands of people line up for the start of the half marathon
Can you spot the mzungu?
... and they're off

Some of Christina's competition 
One of the hundreds of men and women who raced over 13 miles in a wheelchair
Around the halfway point... going strong 
Christina blew past the finish line in under 2 hours

Christina finished her first half marathon in just 1 hour and 51 minutes. Congratulations!

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